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国际微生物学会联合会大会(IUMS 2011)会议通知







发表于 2011-2-19 14:04:20 |显示全部楼层
  易菇网讯:国际微生物学会联合会大会(IUMS 2011),包含第13届国际真菌学大会(XIII International Congress of Mycology),将于2011年9月份在日本北海道召开。以下是会议信息:

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to welcome you to the IUMS Congresses 2011, which will be held in the beautiful city of Sapporo (in Hokkaido, the northernmost island of Japan) from the 6 – 16 September 2011, and hosted by the Federation of Microbiological Societies of Japan.

There will be three congresses: the XIII International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology (6-10 September, 2011), the XIII International Congress of Mycology (6-10 September, 2011 and the XV Congress of Virology (11-16 September, 2011). There will also be two outreach activities to the general public which will be held in order to publicise the importance of microbial science and technologies and their relationship to our everyday life. We expect them to provide a deeper understanding of our activities and increase the public's familiarity with them.

IUMS Congresses are international conferences that bring together a wide range of experience and perspectives. Some microbes are a threat to humankind, but on the other hand many of them are essential for human life on Earth. Over many years we have accumulated a vast knowledge of microbes. Current research is showing us that microbes have 'unlimited capabilities' thus our congresses logo was set as "Unlimited World of Microbes".

IUMS 2011 will be a magnificent opportunity not only to share ideas and experiences but also to establish and improve friendships among colleagues from all over the world.

Finally, we welcome you all again to the exciting congresses and to the beautiful city of Sapporo, the capital of Hokkaido, and to the beautiful Fall season of the North island.

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