发表于 2011-2-24 14:12:54
发表于 2011-3-5 19:36:35
<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>福建老菇农</i>在2011-2-25 7:00:41的发言:</b><br/>
<p><font face="Verdana"> <font size="4">人各有所专,前些年我对杏鲍菇工产化栽培没有亲身经历过,尚未深刻了解,再说我年事已高,自知之明,前几年我就退出企业,到处“游山玩水”,帮助一些企业出出馊主意,在论坛上广交朋友,故介绍漳州很有经验的朋友现场做镇,我这老头只是应公司之邀,把把脉,该从哪里下手整顿,没几天就走了。漳州朋友扎在哪里数月,慢慢纠偏,才走上正轨。我也时常提些建议,被他们所采纳,所以谈不上请您老去指导,却没能解决,后来请另外一个人过去给解决了厂方还付给他30万的事情。一件很平常的事,传远了就变味了,这在中国很常见,不足为怪。</font></font></p><font face="Verdana">
<p><br/><font size="4">原来我不想些什么,因为这位网友还很年轻,才出校门,还需要时间磨练。</font></p>
<p></font> </p></div>
发表于 2011-3-26 22:43:39
发表于 2011-3-30 21:23:16
<font size="5"> 好东西,这录像,很值得多看几遍,每看一次就会有一次收获,谢谢陈昭网友。我们的家园就的依靠很多很多,热心的网友大家都奉献一点,家园就是你一点,我一点,我们的家园会越来越好的,大家也会从中得到很好的经济效益的。</font>
发表于 2011-3-30 11:00:27
Hello, this is ??? Chang, I’m here to assist the company. You are now here at ??? , we produce ??? mushroom using automated machine. Today, we will try to show you how to use automated machine, and how to use the raw material and ??? etc. First step we ??? mix processing.<br/><br/>This is the farmyard, we are looking at the storage of ?? and rice grain. It is better to keep in the shed.<br/><br/>Here’s the mixing part to ??? mushroom cultivation. There are 3 types of ingredient. Which mean you need 3 kind of material, the first material is ??, the 2nd is water and the 3rd one is rice grain. And when you mix, there are 2 types of ingredient. <br/><br/>This is the culture ground stepping process, in Korea and Japan Mushroom grow in various type of plastic bottle. As per volume of the bottle, the amount of culture ground is different. For example, 850ml usually is stock with 552 ?? 580g, that can be controlled by automatic stepping machine.<br/><br/>This is the cooling room, after sterilization, we need to cool the bottles below 15oC, the temperature in this room is same as inoculation room. Also in this room should be maintained clean, any polluted air is not allow in this room. <br/><br/>Inoculate machine, they are using ??? liner, this can be the ???, to inoculate the bottle, ???????, this room’s temperature is 15oC and humidity is 60%. ….????<br/><br/>This room is control by temperature, humidity and amount of the light, this room temperature is below 15OC and humidity 60-65%. Period is almost 25 days. After that the ?? is pour into the plastic bottle. <br/><br/>During the process, the ?? culture to be process at 25oC ?? for 22-30 days, and than after process, cup over, go to the automatic ?? machine.<br/><br/>This is the sprouting room. After ??? process , sprouting process is needed. This room the temperature is 15oC, and 90% for humidity. …..???xxx??<br/><br/>This the mushroom growing room, we control the temperature under 15 oC, and humidity is 25% to ??? %.....???? to keep 18 month.<br/><br/>……????.... Then mushroom pack in the box….<br/><br/>End.
发表于 2011-3-30 11:01:50
<embed src="http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMjQ4MzEyMzg0/v.swf" quality="high" width="480" height="400" align="middle" allowscriptaccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed>
发表于 2011-6-4 14:49:47
看完,你就知道这实际上是销售他们公司自动化产品的宣传片,韩国的这家公司Segae Precision Co., Ltd,不过还是很多值得一看和学习。