老梁故事会 发表于 2013-12-2 12:36:29


田鸿 发表于 2013-12-2 13:40:45


dearhdx 发表于 2013-12-2 15:12:56


老梁故事会 发表于 2013-12-2 20:16:36

   We live in an age of human health crises, especially when considering the leading killer diseases of our time. We have cardiovascular disorders, hypertension, cancers and diabetes, in unprecedented and alarming proportions. We have the HIV/AIDS pandemic, which reminds us of the Black Death(bubonic plague) catastrophe of the 14th century, that was caused by the bacterium Pasteurella pestis; a plague that killed 50 million people in Europe and Asia. We have an upsurge of hypertension and cardiovascular disorders, worldwide. Incidents of cancer(e.g., breast cancer, cervical- Ovarian- prostrate-, liver cancer, and various other tumours) are also escalating. The mad -cow disease that was witnessed in the UK about a decade ago(a viral disorder affecting the nervous system), the food-and-mouth disease(a highly infectious viral problem inflicting cattle, pigs, sheep, and goats), and other disorders(many of them linked with what we eat) are discharging shock waves that are forcing the world's inhabitants to drastically change their choices of food menus.

gaosong427 发表于 2013-12-2 20:59:19


lovely萱萱草 发表于 2013-12-2 22:04:07


andrew_pest 发表于 2013-12-3 00:25:52


老梁故事会 发表于 2013-12-6 06:27:08

PART 9 Mushrooms and Food
Every human being wishes to remain healthy, to be able to work cheerfully and to enjoy life to its fullest extent. A primary source of inputs for health support comes from food. Since times immemorial, many mushrooms have been highly valued as food, to satisfy hunger; as condiments, to enrich the flavour of other food, and also as supplements, to help maintain good health. The value of mushrooms has become even more popularized in recent decades, as can be witnessed by the significantly increased demands, for higher production volumes, of many edible mushrooms, both on local and international markets.

    Mushrooms Science: Production of Mushrooms for Food. Mushroom science is the discipline that addresses the principles and practice of mushroom cultivations. These principles are based on fact that have been established through systematic investigations of the practical aspects of mushroom cultivation, as well as through basic science studies. These two approaches provide both the practical experience, and an understanding of the fundamentals sequential for maintaining consistently successful mushroom crops.
Throughout recorded history, mankind has cherished the desirable flavours, acknowledged the nutritional value, and recognized the medicinal and tonic properties of mushrooms. Mushrooms were regarded by the early civilizations of Egypt and Roma as a special delicacy, and perceived by the latter as the "food of the gods". A clear indication of the high esteem in which mushrooms were held by various cultures, is provided by the practice of restricting the use and the consumption of many species of mushrooms to the Kings of the time.
   The medicinal and analeptic qualities of mushrooms, the scientific bases for which we are only just beginning to understand, have long been appreciated by the people of China. Legend states that Chinese Emperors consumed lentinus edodes in large quantities to fend off old age. Other accounts tell us that ancient Japanese courts valued these mushrooms for their aphrodisiac properties (watch this!). "The growth habitats of the treasured mushrooms were kept as secrets, and heavily guarded".
   蘑菇药物和兴奋剂的功能,长期以来在中国一直受到推崇, 尽管其中的科学依据需要进一步探讨。传说指出,中国的皇帝为了延年益寿,大量食用香菇。其他记载告诉我们,日本古代官廷重视蘑菇的催情的特性, 故“珍贵蘑菇生长的地方严格保密,戒备森严”。
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