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Mushroom lowers blood sugar, triglyceride







发表于 2012-7-2 09:58:22 |显示全部楼层
Consumption of edible mushroom helps controldiabetes and reduces the level of cholesterol significantly, a latest study conducted by Bangladeshi scientists has revealed.

The scientists said the study is the first of its kind in the world conducted on human beings.

Diabetic patients who are categorised as type 2 were given one-fifth of a kilogramme of oyster mushroom and their triglyceride (Tg) cholesterol and blood sugar came down.

The study was conducted on 200 primary diabetic patients mostly from Dhaka and its adjoining areas. The world's largest diabetic hospital in Dhaka -- BIRDEM -- conducted the study over a period 12 months.

Senior Nutrition Officer of BIRDEM hospital and main initiator of the research, Khaleda Khatun, said 200 patients were selected for the trial.

An identical number of patients who took no mushroom were monitored (they are called control), Khaleda, also co-investor of the research project tilted, "Effect of Edible Mushroom on Type2 Diabetic Subjects", said.

When asked, Khaleda said that the research was conducted on newly diagonsed patients who took oral medicine instead of insulin. In medical terminology they are called 'oral hypoglycemic agents.'

Some 43 cases were completed during the full one year research conducted between November 2010 and November 2011, she said.

Mushroom consumption (oyster mushroom) reduced the blood sugar and Tg cholesterol significantly and kept blood pressure normal in the patients who took mushroom; but this did not happen in case of patients who did not consume mushroom.

The research also revealed that mushroom eating also increased the presence of good cholesterol (HDL).

Khaleda informed the FE the study would be published in national and global journals within a few weeks.

When asked, Ms Khaleda told the FE that she was first asked in 2007 by the then project director of National Mushroom Development and Extension Centre (NMDEC) Md Ruhul Amin, to find out the possibility of mushroom for the diabetic patients.

Many patients at Savar told him about the usefulness of mushroom, she said.

When contacted, Md Ruhul Amin said: "It is well known that mushroom has herbal remedy. Many mushroom traders and patients told me about the medicinal value of mushroom."

Md Amin said the price of mushroom is within the people's purchasing capacity and it is easy to produce.

The research would encourage the farmers and individuals across the country to increase production of oyster mushroom, Amin added.

Professor Emeritus Dr Hajera Mahtab of BIRDEM said the result was outstanding in the medical history of the world.

Prof Mahtab, also the principal investor of the project, said this research will lead to great remedy for millions of diabetic patients at home and abroad due to easy availability of the food item.

Earlier, Bangladeshi private pharmaceutical company Renata jointly with the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) developed a new variety of rice that diabetic people could eat without fear of fluctuating blood glucose levels.The new findings of BIRDEM will take the global diabetic research ahead.

The Bangladesh Institute of Research and Rehabilitation for Diabetes, Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders (BIRDEM) was founded by late National Professor Dr Muhammad Ibrahim.

According to the Bangladesh Diabetic Association, nearly 4.0 per cent of the population in the country suffer from diabetes.






发表于 2012-7-2 10:15:27 |显示全部楼层
食用菌消费有助于controldiabetes和降低胆固醇水平显着,由孟加拉国科学家进行的一项最新研究显示。科学家说,这项研究是其在对人类进行的世界第一。归类为2型糖尿病患者,分别给予一公斤平菇和他们的甘油三酯(TG),胆固醇和血糖下来的五分之一。200大多来自达卡及其邻近地区的主要糖尿病患者进行的研究上。期间12个月在达卡世界上最大的糖尿病医院 -  BIRDEM  - 进行了研究。高级营养BIRDEM医院和研究,卡莉达·Khatun的主要发起者主任说,200名患者进行试验选择。相同数目的病人没有采取任何蘑菇监测(他们被称为控制),卡莉达,也是该研究项目的合作投资者倾斜,“2型糖尿病患者食用菌的影响”,说。当记者问,卡莉达说,这项研究进行了口服药物,而不是胰岛素新diagonsed患者。在医学术语中,他们被称为“口服降糖药。”她说,在完整的一年2010年11月和2011年11月之间进行的研究完成后,约43例。蘑菇消费(平菇)的血糖和TG胆固醇显着降低,并保持了蘑菇的患者血压正常,但这种情况没有发生在病人谁不消耗蘑菇的情况下。这项研究还发现,蘑菇吃还增加好胆固醇(HDL)的存在。卡莉达通知的FE研究将在国家和全球的期刊在几周内公布。当记者问,卡莉达·女士告诉富裕,她在2007年首先提出,然后由全国食用菌开发和推广中心(NMDEC)MD Ruhul阿敏项目总监,找出蘑菇对糖尿病患者的可能性。她说,许多患者在Savar告诉他的蘑菇有用。当接触,MD Ruhul阿明说:“众所周知,蘑菇草药许多蘑菇商人和病人告诉我蘑菇的药用价值。”MD阿明说,蘑菇的价格是在人们的购买能力,它很容易产生。研究将鼓励全国各地的个人和农民增加生产的平菇,阿明。名誉教授博士Hajera Mahtab BIRDEM说,在世界医学史上的杰出结果。,也是该项目的主要投资者,Mahtab教授说,这项研究将导致以百万计的国内外糖尿病患者由于容易获得的食物项目的补救。此前,孟加拉国私营制药公司雷娜塔与孟加拉国水稻研究所(BRRI)共同开发出一种新的大米品种,糖尿病人可以没有恐惧血糖波动levels.The的新发现的BIRDEM吃,将采取全球糖尿病研究未来。孟加拉国糖尿病,内分泌和代谢性疾病的研究和康复研究所(BIRDEM)成立由已故教授,博士穆罕默德·易卜拉欣。据孟加拉国糖尿病协会,近4.0%,在全国人口的百分之患有糖尿病。

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