杏鲍菇Pleurotus eryngii ,又名雪茸、刺芹侧耳,隶属于担子菌亚门,层菌纲, 伞菌目, 侧耳科, 侧耳属;是一种口感鲜美、菌柄脆嫩、品质极好的珍稀食用菌,国内未见其多糖研究的报道。本实验研究了杏鲍菇子实体多糖(Pleurotus eryngii polysaccharides)体外抗氧化活性。
一、 材料方法
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[4]向荣 王鼎 过氧化脂质硫代巴比妥酸分光光度法的改进[J] 生物化学与生物物理研究进展 1990年第17卷第3期 241—242页
[5]哈木拉提·吾甫尔 等 羟自由基引发的DNA氧化损伤机理的研究进展 新疆医科大学学报2000年第23卷第3期 273—275页
[6]周林珠 杨祥良 等 多糖抗氧化作用研究进展 中国生化药物杂志2002年第23卷第4期 210—212
Antioxidative activities research of Pleurotus eryngii polysaccharides
Abstract Draw apricot Pleurotus eryngii sub entity polysaccharides with boiling water , utilize many alcohol infusibility of candy, precipitate polysaccharides; is it on hot water , have apricot Pleurotus eryngii sub entity polysaccharides solution already to dissolve to reply to precipitate. Use the phenol ---Sulphuric acid law determine polysaccharides content. This text utilize apricot sub entity polysaccharides draw between liquid and function of driving out , hydroxyl of free radical Pleurotus eryngii, carry on removing and testing to hydroxyl free radical of many candies; Utilize apricot sub entity polysaccharides draw between liquid and function , hydroxyl of free radical Pleurotus eryngii, is it determine it organize fat quality peroxide third two inhibition that aldehyde produce to little mouse liver to come; It utilize neighbor benzene three phenol oxidize for being coloured response of material determine apricot mushroom not sub entity candies not many draw liquid vs. neighbor three benzene restrain which oxidize by oneself by oneself in phenol of Bao of rapidly under terms not alkaline.
Key words Pleurotus eryngii polysaccharides Antioxidative activities |